Village of the POKEMON


Pokemon (short for Pocket Monsters, as its known by in Japan) was originally released in
February 1996 and it became the highest selling game of all-time there.Anyway, in Japan, all
you need to do is turn around and you'll see hundreds of different merchandise created for...

In Japan, not only is there hundreds of different products, but there is also an extremely popular
show. Well the show has also come over to American shores and is quite popular.(In New
York it beat out all the other shows on television one morning for its time slot! Now that's

Even though the show and merchandise are very popular... the most important part is the
game itself! The game's goal is to try to become a Pokemon Master and try to catch all 150!
However, all 150 Pokemon are not all in one version. In order to get all 150 you need to trade
with someone who has the Blue version if you have the Red and vice versa. Even though that
is the main goal, there are other goals you can set for yourself. Some of these include specify
in training a specific type of Pokemon, trying to build a "perfect team", and trying to beef up
your Pokemon by getting them to level 100 (the highest they could go) and filling them with


001 Bulbasaur
002 Ivysaur
003 Venusuar
004 Charmander
005 Charmeleon
006 Charizard
007 Squirtle
008 Wartortle
009 Blastoise
010 Caterpie
011 Metapod
012 Butterfree
013 Weedle
014 Kakuna
015 Beedrill
016 Pidgey
017 Pidgeotto
018 Pidgeot
019 Rattata
020 Raticate
021 Spearow
022 Fearow
023 Ekans
024 Arbok
025 Pikachu
026 Raichu
027 Sandshrew
028 Sandslash
029 Nidoran (female)
030 Nidorina
031 Nidoqueen
032 Nidoran (male)
033 Nidorino
034 Nidoking
035 Clefairy
036 Clefable
037 Vulpix
038 NineTales
039 Jigglypuff
040 Wigglytuff
041 Zubat
042 Golbat
043 Oddish
044 Gloom
045 Vileplume
046 Paras
047 Parasect
048 Venonat
049 Venomoth
050 Diglett
051 Dugtrio
052 Meowth
053 Persian
054 Psyduck
055 Golduck
056 Mankey
057 Primeape
058 Growlithe
059 Arcanine
060 Poliwag
061 Poliwhirl
062 Poliwrath
063 Abra
064 Kadabra
065 Alakazam
066 Machop
067 Machoke
068 Machamp
069 Bellsprout
070 Weepinbell
071 Victreebel
072 Tentacool
073 Tentacruel
074 Geodude
075 Graveler
076 Golem
077 Ponyta
078 Rapidash
079 Slowpoke
080 Slowbro
081 Magnemite
082 Magneton
083 Farfetch'd
084 Doduo
085 Dodrio
086 Seel
087 Dewgong
088 Grimer
089 Muk
090 Shellder
091 Cloyster
092 Gastly
093 Haunter
094 Gengar
095 Onix
096 Drowzee
097 Hypno
098 Krabby
099 Kingler
100 Voltorb
101 Electrode
102 Exeggcute
103 Exeggutor
104 Cubone
105 Marowak
106 Hitmonlee
107 Hitmonchan
108 Likitung
109 Koffing
110 Weezing
111 Rhyhorn
112 Rhydon
113 Chansey
114 Tangela
115 Kangaskhan
116 Horsea
117 Seadra
118 Goldeen
119 SeaKing
120 Staryu
121 Starmie
122 Mr. Mime
123 Scyther
124 Jynx
125 Electabuzz
126 Magmar
127 Pinsir
128 Tauros
129 Magikarp
130 Gyrados
131 Lapras
132 Ditto
133 Eevee
134 Vaporeon
135 Jolteon
136 Flareon
137 Porygon
138 Omanyte
139 Omastar
140 Kabuto
141 Kabutops
142 Aerodactyl
143 Snorlax
144 Articuno
145 Zapdos
146 Moltres
147 Dratini
148 Dragonair
149 Dragonite
150 Mewtwo
151 Mew

Pok�mon Episodes!

01. Pok�mon, I choose you!
02. Pok�mon Emergency!
03. Ash Catches a Pok�mon
04. Challenge of the Samurai
05. Showdown in Pewter City
06. Clefairy and the Moonstone
07. The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
08. The Path to the Pok�mon League
09. The School of Hard Knocks
10. Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
11. Charmander, the Stray Pok�mon
12. Here Comes the Squirtle Squad
13. Mystery at the Lighthouse
14. Electric Shock Showdown
15. Battle Aboard the St. Anne
16. Pok�mon Shipwreck
17. Island of the Giant Pok�mon
18. Holiday at Aopulo
19. Tentacool and Tentacruel
20. The Ghost of Maiden's Peak
21. Bye, Bye, Butterfree
22. Abra and the Psychic Showdown
23. Tower of Terror
24. Haunter Vs. Kadabra
25. Primeape Goes Bananas
26. Pok�mon Scent-sation
27. Hypno's Naptime
28. Pok�mon Fashion Flash
29. The Punchy Pok�mon
30. Sparks Fly for Magnemite
31. Dig Those Digletts
32. The Ninja Pok�mon Showdown
33. The Flame Pok�mon-athon
34. The Kangaskhan Kid
35. The Legend of Dratini
36. The Bridge Bike Gang
37. Ditto's Mysterious Mansion
38. Electric Soldier's Porygon
39. Pikachu's Goodbye
40. The Battling Eevee Brothers
41. Wake Up Snorlax
42. Showdown at Dark City
43. The March of the Exeggutor Squad
44. The Problem with Paras
45. The Song of JigglyPuff
46. Attack of the Prehistoric Pok�mon
47. A Chansey Operation
48. Holy Matrimony
49. So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd
50. Who Gets to Keep Togepi?
51. Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden
52. Battle Festival
53. Children's Day
54. Case of the K-9 Capers
55. Pokemon Paparazzi
56. The Ultimate Test
57. The Breeding Center Secret
58. Heat Battle in Guren Gym
59. Decisive Battle
60. Squirtle Island
61. Battle in the Water
62. Clefairies Versus Jigglypuff
63. We Got the Last Badge!
64. Mr. Mime and the Pokemon Circus
65. Dueling With the Rival
66. Slowpoke Evolving Into Slowbro
67. Legend of the Surfing Pikachu
68. Gloom in the Garden
69. Pokemon the Movie
70. Why Meowth Can Speak
71. The Secrets of Pokemon Training
72. The Battle of Ancient Pokemon
73. Guardia's Friendship
74. Moltres! Declaring to the Pokemon League!
75. Pokemon League: Opening Game in the Water Field
76. Battle with the Flames in Iceland
77. Formidable Rival in Grass Field
78. New Rival
79. Dueling with Hiroshi!
80. End of the Pokemon League
81. Another Departure
82. Airship with a Mis-hap
83. Pokemon and Pokeball in the South
84. Ness in Bonds
85. Orange League! Natuskan Gym!
86. Mystery of the Disappearing Pokemon
87. Crystal Onix
88. Pink Pokemon
89. Secret of Fossil Atts
90. Dance! Pokemon Showboat
91. Adieu, Psyduck! Hello, Golduck?
92. Nurse Sailing Raging Waves
93. Navel Island! Battle on Snow Mountain

1st Edition Unlimited
#1.....Alakazam rare CALL $15.00
#2.....Blastoise rare CALL $25.00
#3.....Chansey rare CALL $15.00
#4.....Charizard rare CALL $30.00
#5.....Clefairy rare CALL $15.00
#6.....Gyrados rare CALL $15.00
#7.....Hitmochan rare CALL $15.00
#8.....Machamp rare $12.00
#9.....Magneton rare CALL $15.00
#10....Mewtwo rare CALL $15.00
#11....Nidoking rare CALL $15.00
#12....Ninetales rare CALL $15.00
#13....Poliwrath rare CALL $15.00
#14....Raichu rare CALL $20.00
#15....Venusaur rare CALL $20.00
#16....Zapdos rare CALL $25.00
#17....Beedrill rare CALL $ 8.00
#18....Dragonair rare CALL $ 8.00
#19....Dugtrio rare CALL $ 5.00
#20....Electabuzz rare CALL $ 5.00
#21....Electrode rare CALL $ 5.00
#22....Pidgeotto rare CALL $ 5.00
#23....Arcanine uncommon $ 3.50 $ 1.50
#24....Charmeleon uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#25....Dewgong uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#26....Dratini uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#27....Farfetch'd uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#28....Growlithe uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#29....Haunter uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#30....Ivysaur uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#31....Jynx uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#32....Kadabra uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#33....Kakuna uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#34....Machoke uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#35....Magikarp uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#36....Magmar uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#37....Nidorino uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#38....Poliwhirl uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#39....Porygon uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#40....Raticate uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#41....Seel uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#42....Wartortle uncommon $ 3.00 $ 1.50
#43....Abra common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#44....Bulbasaur common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#45....Caterpi common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#46....Charmander common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#47....Diglett common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#48....Duduo common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#49....Drowzee common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#50....Gastly common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#51....Koffing common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#52....Machop common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#53....Magnnemite common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#54....Metapod common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#55....Nidoran common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#56....Onix common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#57....Pidgey common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#58....Pikachu common $ 4.95 $ 1.50
#59....Poliwag common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#60....Ponyta common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#61....Rattata common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#62....Sandshrew common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#63....Squirtle common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#64....Starmie common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#65....Staryu common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#66....Tangela common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#67....Voltorb common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#68....Vulpix common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#69....Weedle common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#70....Clefairy Doll rare $ 8.00 $ 6.00
#71....Computer Search rare $ 7.00 $ 5.00
#72....Devolution Spray rare $ 6.00 $ 4.00
#73....Imposter Professor Oak$ 6.00 $ 4.00
#74....Item Finder rare $ 6.00 $ 4.00
#75....Lass rare $ 6.00 $ 4.00
#76....Pokemon Breeder rare $ 6.00 $ 4.00
#77....Pokemon Trader rare $ 6.00 $ 4.00
#78....Scoop Up rare $ 6.00 $ 4.00
#79....Super Energy Removal $ 6.00 $ 4.00
#80....Defender uncommon $ 2.00 $ 1.50
#81....Energy Retrival u $ 2.50 $ 1.50
#82....Full Heal uncommon $ 2.00 $ 1.50
#83....Maintenance uncommon $ 2.00 $ 1.50
#84....Plus Power uncommon $ 2.00 $ 1.50
#85....Pokemon Center u $ 2.00 $ 1.50
#86....Pokemon Flute u $ 2.00 $ 1.50
#87....Pokedex uncommon $ 2.00 $ 1.50
#88....Professor Oak u $ 4.00 $ 1.50
#89....Revive uncommon $ 2.00 $ 1.50
#90....Super Potion uncommon $ 2.50 $ 1.50
#91....Bill common $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#92....Energy Removal c $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#93....Gust of Wind c $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#94....Potion c $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#95....Switch c $ 1.00 $ 0.50
#96....Double Coloress Energy$ 3.00 $ 1.50
#97....Fighting Energy c $ 1.00 $ 0.25
#98....Fire Energy c $ 1.00 $ 0.25
#99....Grass Energy c $ 1.00 $ 0.25
#100...Lightning Energy c $ 1.00 $ 0.25
#101...Psychic Energy c $ 1.00 $ 0.25
#102...Water Energy c $ 1.00 $ 0.25


Poke Ball- This ball will capture Pokemon weakened in battle.
Great Ball- This ball has a better chance of capturing Pokemon weakened in battle.
Ultra Ball- This ball will capture even stronger Pokemon than the Great Ball.
Safari Ball- You need this to capture Safari Zone Pokemon.
Master Ball- This ball will capture any Wild Pokemon.

Potion- Restores some of your Pokemon's HP (20 Health Points).
Super Potion- Restores more of your Pokemon's HP (50 Health Points).
Hyper Potion- Restores more HP than Super Potion (200 Health Points).
Max Potion- Completely restores HP.
Burn Heal- Soothes Burns.
Ice Heal- Heals frostbite.
Paralyz Heal- Heals paralyzed Pokemon.
Full Heal- Cures all conditions.
Full Restore- Completely restores HP, and heals all conditions.
Antidote- Cures poison.
Awakening- Wakes up a dozing Pokemon.
Revive- Revives a fallen Pokemon.
Max Revive- Revives a fallen Pokemon, and completely restores HP.

Rare Candy- Increases a Pokemon's level by one.
HP Up- Increases Pokemon's HP level.
PP Up- Increases Pokemons PP (Power Points) level.
Protein- Increases Attack Power.
Iron- Increases Defense.
Carbos- Increases Speed.
Calcium- Increases Special Ability.
X Attack- Increases Attack during a battle.
X Defend- Increases Defense during a battle.
X Special- Increases Special only during battle.
X Speed- Increases Speed during battle.
X Accuracy- Increases Accuracy in a battle.
Guard Special- Disables enemy Pokemon's Special Attack.

Dire Hi-t Increases your Pokemon's attack in battle. Bike Use this to travel quickly.
Escape Rope- Use this to escape a cave.
Repel, Super Repel, Max Repel Keep weak Pokemon from attacking.
Poke Doll- A popular doll.
Silph Scope- Allows you to see Ghost Pokemon.
Poke Flute- Wakes up a sleeping Pokemon.
Old Rod, Good Rod, Super Rod Use these to catch Water Pokemon.
Item Finder- Helps you find hidden items.
Exp. All- Shares Experience with Pokemon that didn't fight.
Coin- Use these at the Game Corner.
Coin Case- Holds up to 9,999 Game Corner Coins.
Fresh Water- Restores HP a little in battle.
Soda Pop- Restores some HP in battle.
Lemonade- Restores a lot of HP in battle.

Fire Stone- Connected to the Fire Pokemon.
Thunder Stone- Connected to the Electric Pokemon.
Water Ston-e Connected to the Water Pokemon.
Leaf Stone- Connected to the Grass Pokemon.
Moon Stone- Connected to ????????
Helix Fossil- Omanyte
Dome Fossil- Kabuto
Old Amber- Aerodactle


HM 01 Cut
HM 02 Fly
HM 03 Surf
HM 04 Strength
HM 05 Flash

TM 01 Mega Punch
TM 02 Razor Wind
TM 03 Sword's Dance
TM 04 Whirlwind
TM 05 Mega Kick
TM 06 Toxic
TM 07 Horn Drill
TM 08 Body Slam
TM 09 Take Down
TM 10 Double Edge
TM 11 Bubble Beam
TM 12 Water Gun
TM 13 Ice Beam
TM 14 Blizzard
TM 15 Hyper Beam
TM 16 Pay Day
TM 17 Submission
TM 18 Counter
TM 19 Seismic Toss
TM 20 Rage
TM 21 Mega Drain
TM 22 Solar Beam
TM 23 Dragon Rage
TM 24 Thunderbolt
TM 25 Thunder
TM 26 Earthquake
TM 27 Fissure
TM 28 Dig
TM 29 Psychic
TM 30 Teleport
TM 31 Mimic
TM 32 Double Team
TM 33 Reflect
TM 34 Bide
TM 35 Metronome
TM 36 Self Destruct
TM 37 Egg Bomb
TM 38 Fire Blast
TM 39 Swift
TM 40 Skull Bash
TM 41 Soft Boiled
TM 42 Dream Eater
TM 43 Sky Attack
TM 44 Rest
TM 45 Thunder Wave
TM 46 Psywave
TM 47 Explosion
TM 48 Rock Slide
TM 49 Tri Attack
TM 50 Substitute


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